Tips And Techniques To Get The Most From Your Beauty Regimen

Your feelings about yourself impact how other people perceive you. If you feel pretty you will be happier, more positive, and more confident. This will help you make friends easier and perhaps even secure the career that you have always wanted. This article has great tips for keeping you looking your best and feeling great.

Rub your feet with Vaseline before going to bed. This will make them soft and smooth like you just had a pedicure done. Do this every night as part of your routine, and it will be easy to remember. To reduce mess, put socks on after applying the Vaseline.

Try dark mascara with waterproof qualities to highlight your eyes. Keep a few extra mascara wands to even out any leftover clumps or to brush off excess mascara around the eye corners.

Upper Lip

You can make your lips appear bigger by applying a shimmery white …